

单词 spiders
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕Be careful. The forest is full of giant snakes and spiders. 小心。树林里到处都是巨蛇和大蜘蛛。朗文写作活用〔BOTH〕Paul and I are both scared of spiders. 保罗和我两个人都怕蜘蛛。朗文写作活用〔DEAL WITH〕I've always wanted to overcome my fear of spiders. 我一直想克服对蜘蛛的恐惧。朗文写作活用〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕It's amazing how many people are afraid of spiders. 这么多的人害怕蜘蛛真是令人费解。朗文写作活用〔HATE〕She loathes spiders. 她厌恶蜘蛛。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Many spiders spin special webs to conceal themselves from danger. 许多蜘蛛织出特殊的网,把自己藏起来躲避危险。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕You shouldn't really kill spiders, even if you're frightened of them. 即使你怕蜘蛛也不应该把它们打死。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕He used to catch spiders and cut off their legs. 他以前喜欢捉蜘蛛并把蜘蛛腿剪掉。朗文写作活用〔UNLUCKY〕I never kill spiders - it's unlucky. 我从不弄死蜘蛛—这是不吉利的。朗文写作活用〔arachnid〕Spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks are arachnids.蜘蛛、蝎子、螨和蝉都是蛛形纲动物。韦氏高阶〔arachnophobia〕An abnormal fear of spiders.蜘蛛恐惧症:对蜘蛛的过度恐惧美国传统〔be〕Spiders are not really insects.蜘蛛实际上不是昆虫。朗文当代〔bite〕Most European spiders don't bite.大多数欧洲蜘蛛不咬人。牛津高阶〔cobweb〕Spiders cobwebbed the cellar.蜘蛛使地窖布满了蛛网。21世纪英汉〔conquer〕He has finally conquered his fear of spiders.他终于战胜了对蜘蛛的恐惧。剑桥高阶〔door〕Some ground spiders make a door to their nests like a hinged lid.有些地蜘蛛能给自己的窝做门,其形状如同一个装有铰链的盖。英汉大词典〔ensnare〕Spiders ensnare flies and other insects in their webs.蜘蛛用网来捕捉苍蝇及其他昆虫。剑桥高阶〔fear〕London Zoo is running hypnosis programmes to help people overcome their fear of spiders.伦敦动物园正在举办催眠治疗活动, 以帮助人们克服对蜘蛛的恐惧。外研社新世纪〔fear〕London Zoo is running hypnosis programmes to help people overcome their fear of spiders.伦敦动物园正在搞催眠活动,帮助人们克服对蜘蛛的恐惧。柯林斯高阶〔frightened〕Anna's frightened of spiders.安娜害怕蜘蛛。外研社新世纪〔great〕I've never been a great one for spiders and snakes.很喜欢…麦克米伦高阶〔grow〕They thought I would grow out of my fear of spiders.他们认为我长大后就不会再害怕蜘蛛了。麦克米伦高阶〔hate〕He hates spiders.他讨厌蜘蛛。牛津同义词〔have a thing about sth/sb〕She's got a thing about spiders - she won't go near them.她特别讨厌蜘蛛——碰都不会碰。剑桥高阶〔horror〕She has an absolute horror of spiders.她极憎恶蜘蛛。英汉大词典〔insect〕Any of various similar arthropod animals, such as spiders, centipedes, or ticks.虫:各种类似的节肢类动物,如蜘蛛,百足虫或蝉美国传统〔instinctive〕The spinning of webs is instinctive in spiders.织网是蜘蛛的本能。英汉大词典〔live〕Spiders can live for several days without food.蜘蛛几天不吃依然可存活。牛津高阶〔lung〕A similar organ in some invertebrates, including spiders and terrestrial snails.呼吸器官:在某些无脊椎动物(包括蜘蛛和陆栖蜗牛)中相似的器官美国传统〔make your flesh crawl/creep〕I don't mind spiders but worms make my flesh crawl.我不怕蜘蛛,但是肉虫子让我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。剑桥高阶〔nidus〕A nest, especially one for the eggs of insects, spiders, or small animals.储卵巢:巢,尤指昆虫、蜘蛛或小动物的卵所聚积的地方美国传统〔of〕He has a fear of spiders.他害怕蜘蛛。韦氏高阶〔of〕He's always been frightened of spiders.他一向害怕蜘蛛。朗文当代〔pathological〕She has a pathological fear of spiders.她对蜘蛛有一种不自然的恐惧。文馨英汉〔petrified〕I'm petrified of spiders.我非常怕蜘蛛。朗文当代〔poisonous〕There are hundreds of poisonous spiders and snakes.毒蜘蛛和毒蛇成百上千。柯林斯高阶〔poisonous〕There are hundreds of poisonous snakes and spiders.毒蛇和毒蜘蛛有数百种。外研社新世纪〔prey〕Spiders usually catch their prey by building webs.蜘蛛一般通过织网来捕捉猎物。麦克米伦高阶〔repulsion〕Spiders fill some people with repulsion.有些人一见蜘蛛就满腔厌憎。英汉大词典〔scared〕He's scared of spiders.他害怕蜘蛛。剑桥高阶〔seethe〕She was certain that the entire cellar was seething with spiders.她肯定整个地窖密布着蜘蛛。麦克米伦高阶〔seethe〕The cellar was seething with spiders.地窖里爬满了蜘蛛。朗文当代〔sight〕Wolf spiders hunt mainly by sight.狼蛛主要靠视觉捕食。麦克米伦高阶〔silk gland〕Any of the glands in silk-spinning insects and spiders that secrete a protein liquid that hardens into silk on exposure to air.丝腺:吐丝昆虫和蜘蛛的任一腺体,其分泌的蛋白质液体接触空气后变硬成丝美国传统〔silk〕A silky, filamentous material, such as the webbing spun by certain spiders or the styles forming a tuft on an ear of corn.丝状物:柔软光洁的丝状物质,如某些蜘蛛织的网状物或谷物穗上形成毛丛的柱头美国传统〔skin〕Just thinking about spiders makes my skin crawl.仅仅是想到蜘蛛我都会起鸡皮疙瘩。牛津搭配〔sound〕Can anyone suggest a method of deterring spiders which is ecologically sound?有人能想出一种不破坏生态环境同时又能赶跑蜘蛛的办法吗?外研社新世纪〔spidery〕Infested with spiders.充满蜘蛛的美国传统〔spin〕Spiders spin webs.蜘蛛结网。剑桥高阶〔strictly〕Strictly speaking, spiders are not insects.严格地说,蜘蛛不是昆虫。朗文当代〔tarantula〕Any of various large, hairy, chiefly tropical spiders of the family Theraphosidae, capable of inflicting a painful but not seriously poisonous bite.鸟蛛:任一种主要生长在热带地区的鸟蛛科的大型且体表多毛的蜘蛛,人被这种蜘蛛咬后会觉得很痛,但并无剧毒美国传统〔terrified〕He's terrified of spiders.他非常害怕蜘蛛。牛津搭配〔terrified〕Penny is terrified of spiders.彭尼很怕蜘蛛。麦克米伦高阶〔trap-door spider〕Any of various insect-eating spiders of the family Ctenizidae, found in warm climates, that construct a silk-lined burrow concealed by a hinged lid.活板门蛛:任一种土蜘蛛科的食昆虫蜘蛛,多见于气候温暖的地区,能挖出用折叶页式囊盖住的布满丝线的小沟美国传统〔troop〕Out of beams and cracks came troops of beetles, ants and spiders.从横梁上和裂缝里爬出来了一群群甲虫、蚂蚁和蜘蛛。柯林斯高阶〔troop〕Out of beams and cracks came troops of beetles, ants, and spiders.从横梁和裂缝里爬出了一群群甲虫、蚂蚁和蜘蛛。外研社新世纪〔weave〕Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible.大多数蜘蛛可结成几乎看不见的网。牛津高阶〔web〕A structure of delicate, threadlike filaments characteristically spun by spiders or certain insect larvae.虫网:由线状的丝构成的精致组织,最典型的是蜘蛛或某些昆虫的幼体吐出的组织美国传统Spiders always make my flesh crawl / creep (=I am frightened by them).蜘蛛老让我起鸡皮疙瘩。剑桥国际Spiders are not technically insects, but people often think of them as such.从严格的专业意义上讲,蜘蛛不是昆虫,但人们常把它们看作昆虫。剑桥国际Spiders ensnare flies and other insects in their webs.蜘蛛用网诱捕苍蝇和其它昆虫。剑桥国际Spiders produce fine threads which they make into webs in order to trap insects for food.蜘蛛用细丝做网来捕捉昆虫为食。剑桥国际Spiders spin webs and birds build nests by instinct. 蜘蛛结网,鸟筑巢,都是凭本能。译典通Spiders spin webs.蜘蛛织网。剑桥国际A lot of people are frightened of spiders.很多人害怕蜘蛛。剑桥国际I think spiders are loathsome little creatures.我认为蜘蛛是令人反感的小动物。剑桥国际I've always been afraid of flying / heights / spiders.我一直害怕飞行/恐高/害怕蜘蛛。剑桥国际Joanne has a horror of spiders.乔安妮十分讨厌蜘蛛。剑桥国际Most spiders weave webs that are almost invisible.大多数蜘蛛织出的网几乎看不见。剑桥国际




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